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  1. nisor

    Asa no Tsuukin Densha de, Yatara to Hanashikakete Kuru Joshikousei. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Pg 7 gives me the slightest hint of Yami Marik vibes.
  2. nisor

    Juuou to Yakusou - Vol. 3 Ch. 23.5 - Always at Your Side

    Hang in there, Momoslow... :meguuusad:
  3. nisor

    Kyou no Ashura Meshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Lion, Maiden, and Compote

    This was a fun one to translate. It started off really nicely and stumbled a bit with the teacher admirer, but I'm glad to see it end with a closer look into Asura's character.
  4. nisor

    Kono Healer, Mendokusai - Vol. 7 Ch. 67 - Need for Praise

    What a great chapter. I can only imagine what it would feel like to be put into a headlock by Karla.
  5. nisor

    Juuou to Yakusou - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - Put to the Test

    I wonder how feasible it would be for Tina to pick up other elemental magic. Then again, fire spells look the coolest imo.
  6. nisor

    Dark Summoner to Dekiteiru - Vol. 5 Ch. 50

    This chapter had some nice reactions from Amona.
  7. nisor

    Tensai Majo no Maryoku Kare - Vol. 5 Ch. 91.5 - Volume Extras

    I'm gonna miss this smug witch. Thanks for the TLs and taking this manga to the finish line.
  8. nisor

    Yoriko from Hannari Girori - Vol. 3 Ch. 30 - Ch.30 - Yoriko-san & The Usual Shop

    Thanks for the TL. Seeing her embarrassed is always a nice treat.
  9. nisor

    Renge to Naruto!

    Unfortunately, I am not :meguuusad:. If someone else wants to work on this, they are more than welcome to.
  10. nisor

    Juuou to Yakusou - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - Two Friends

    Damn, what an entrance by Crowe. Glad to see Garron didn't lose an arm over that.
  11. nisor

    Hajimete no Ojou-sama - Vol. 3 Ch. 21.1 - Bonus

    It's by the actual artist. If only I could draw :meguuusad:
  12. nisor

    Project Pigeon

    Np. Go ahead.
  13. nisor

    The Hitman Stans - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - The Hitman's Snipe (Part 2)

    Thanks for the TL. His laser pointer always gets me good.
  14. nisor

    Dark Summoner to Dekiteiru - Vol. 4 Ch. 42

    tfw ywn have Amona look down on you
  15. nisor

    Hajimete no Ojou-sama - Vol. 3 Ch. 21.1 - Bonus

    And that's that! Thanks for sticking around til the end.