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  1. T

    Problem with updated chapter (pages fail to load)

    I'm trying to upload the updated chapters of vol16 of Daiya no A act 2 and I can't! It doesn't work with any of the 9 chapters, a message 'Something went wrong with your upload' pops up and that's it. Edit: Tried to delete one chapter to upload the updated version of it again - and it doesn't...
  2. T

    Chihayafuru - Vol. 38 Ch. 197

    Так, ребятки, вы когда начнете указывать нашу группу в качестве источника, делающего возможным ваше творчество, а? Вы же не сами с японского переводите на русский; вы используете наш сканлейт для этого и, в частности, мой перевод с японского на английский (раньше еще и нащи сканы с нашим клином...
  3. T

    Ace of Diamond - Act II - Vol. 15 Ch. 135 - Rabbit vs Turtle

    Those who are still saying Sawamura won't get the ace number this time around after all what we've seen recently, you need to get back down to earth. This is not some philosophical indy seinen, this is a classical spocon shounen, with all that entails, which means no place for crap like two aces...