Search results

  1. N

    Dev news: Launching API version 2 (also v1 deprecation notice) | Last updated 2021-01-17

    That might be a solution in my specific case since I know about it, but there is no indication that the API would ever return a website link instead of an array of images for ``. It essentially requires all developers to randomly run into an "official publisher's website"...
  2. N

    Dev news: Launching API version 2 (also v1 deprecation notice) | Last updated 2021-01-17

    Chapters like: /api/v2/chapter/1160223 that return a string for `pages` cause problems in programming languages that require strict typing. Normally you look for an array out of `pages` (even if it's a blank array) but "official publisher's website" chapters contain a string value instead...
  3. N

    Search functionality wishlist

    I have some questions about the intended use for POST /search/chapter Is this our main "filter" for chapters, or will v5 also include something like: /manga/{id}/chapters?language=en&createdAfter=timestamp I posted this in the API v2 thread, but I know a lot of us would love some way to "get...
  4. N

    Dev news: Launching API version 2 (also v1 deprecation notice) | Last updated 2021-01-17

    I've been working with v2 of the API and I've discovered an inconsistency related to the structure/datatype on the chapter.groups{} object. /api/v2/manga/{id}?include=chapters data.chapters.groups{} is "groups":[1,2,3] Where it should probably be structured as...
  5. N

    Dev news: Launching API version 2 (also v1 deprecation notice) | Last updated 2021-01-17

    If you're taking requests on improvements to the API, I would LOVE to see some type of filter support on chapters. Popular titles can have a thousand+ chapters and I'm guessing many of the API chapter requests are essentially looking for "I need the IDs for new English chapters since our last...