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  1. Z

    Kesa mo Yuraretemasu - Ch. 18 - Bad Timing Again This Morning...

    The spectator trio keeps getting baited lmao. Thanks for the TL, another great chapter!!
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    Houkago Kitaku Biyori - Ch. 35 - Let's Plan for Summer

    Damn now I’m curious
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    The Long Summer of August 31 - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - August 31st Looping

    another manga, it’s called "massacre happy end" I think.
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    Satsudou - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

    Rest in Peace to the author. But happy this is getting continued. Thank you!
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    R15+ Ja Dame Desuka? - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - I Hate Movies

    I hope this doesn’t become a love triangle because I like both of them a lot lol
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    Kesa mo Yuraretemasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - Today, We're still protecting

    Big things are happening they know each others names damn
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    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 6

    Wdym if a close old friend asked me to crash at my house I would always say yes. Even if we hadn’t seen each other for a long time. That’s how friendship works. No one is forcing anyone to do anything and no one is getting "abused" in this manga lol.
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    Houkago Kitaku Biyori - Ch. 29 - Let's Ride a Bike

    I love this manga so much. Really there are few manga where a relationship progresses this naturally.
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    Kesa mo Yuraretemasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - They still can't get to sit together this morning...

    It’s such a weird plot twist too like it doesn’t even make sense.
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    Momose Akira no Hatsukoi Hatan-chuu. - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Totally Jumping the Gun

    This is just two people with a communication disorder interacting
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    Kesa mo Yuraretemasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Still acting mature this morning

    this manga is so cute and wholesome.
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    Tonari no Kurokawa-san - Ch. 4 - I'm Just Curious

    Chokki is the goat of going home
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    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 14 Ch. 107

    Ye I didn’t expect this at all. A pleasant surprise.
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    Otona ni Narenai Bokura wa - Ch. 10 - 1 on 1

    Thanks for the translation. This is so good.