I don't understand why the author stresses bad numbers and data so much. I know it's probably the most complete form of feedback they got, but they seem to forget how original this work is, storywise, worldwise, and artwise. It was a very good read and I for one was really happy to have...
this is very good, it's refreshing to see that there are still quality manga out there, with a real story, real depth given to the characters and actual care paid to their backstory and developpement...
The most annoying thing imho is still the people around the MC not minding their f*cking business no matter who they are. That's just not natural, you know? In real life, people don't give a crap about other's jobs, achievements, or anything if it's bad or average. So many mangas work like that...
I finally understood what's really bothering me in this manhwa... I mean, besides the clearly imprivised story and weird heighlights. It's in the art : the characters express abolutely zero emotion. It's like watching robots.