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    Pseudo Harem

    Shame this ended so quickly. Hopefully the translators will go back and do the extra chapters that are in the volumes. In each volume there are from 2 to 5 extra chapters that haven't been translated yet.
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    Trinity Seven - Vol. 23 Ch. 103 - Heaven's Angels & Calling Deep

    WTH is mangastone? Can't understand why the scanlator keeps using inferior raws when the actual volume raws in a better resolution have been out for a while now.
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    Trinity Seven - Vol. 22 Ch. 98 - Heaven's Fallen king and 12 Demon Commanders

    Wow, what's with the ultra low rez of pages 5 & 6?
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    Admin over at the Shoujo Sense website replied to a poster: "Sorry. I don't think there will be updates of any sort. We pretty much died off." So here's hoping some other TL group picks this up and finishes off the remaining chapters
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    Astro Boy - Ch. 71 - Robot Fortress

    Although I'm not a big Astro Boy fan, I'm glad to see there's a passionate group out there trying to preserve the history. Fight on!
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    Pseudo Harem

    There are a butt load of extra chapters in the tanks (around 4-5 extra chapters per volume). Hopefully those get translated too!
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    Ookumo-chan Flashback

    One more chapter! Hopefully the translator also does the last little bit of extras
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    Tonikaku Scans

    Great job on Tonikaku Cawaii. Will you be doing the extra chapter and omake in volume 12?
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    Senryuu Shoujo

    Still hoping for the scanlators finish off the final 5 chapters and the 4 extras. Although highly appreciative, the scans mentioned below are still very rough.
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    Great series. Wish someone could do the Volume 10.5 Fan Book and the Memorial Book page.100