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  1. T

    Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. - Vol. 12 Ch. 71

    If this was the 69th chapter and not the 71st, I would have laughed harder than I already did reading this (WE WERE SO CLOSE TO PERFECTION)
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    Kono Oto Tomare! - Vol. 30 Ch. 129 - The Price of Evolution

    I guess you could call it... tomfoolery. we like to do a little trolling xD
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    Tensei Goblin dakedo Shitsumon aru? - Ch. 49

    Thanks for continuing the series!
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    Tensei Goblin dakedo Shitsumon aru? - Vol. 5 Ch. 36

    Definitely a series that people will overlook because of the beginning. What an interesting twist
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    Goth Girl & The Jock - Vol. 1 Ch. 34.10 - Christmas Special 4/4

    Nah, they are just gonna pull this series out of the vault on rainy days, trust
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    Kono Oto Tomare! - Ch. 128 - Sound of Grey Footsteps

    that age progression of Chika addressing his dad is so tragic. I don't think their relationship will ever be fixed, but an apology is on the way within a year from now (snail mail)
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    A Returner's Magic Should Be Special - Ch. 240

    Reading this after watching the second episode of the recent anime adaptation makes me so sad. The difference in quality is so unfortunate
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    Kono Oto Tomare! - Ch. 127 - Dear

    Was anyone else just nodding their head and smiling too much and/or pumping their arm for pretty much the entire chapter? Thank you for the translation and my monthly sugar intake Edit: Kurata is such a smooth operator. He just makes it seem too easy wtf
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    Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. - Ch. 64 - It's all summer's fault.

    Wait, so what exactly is the problem? Jirou isn't brave enough to move the relationship forward explicitly, and she won't accept it if he's like this?
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    Kono Oto Tomare! - Vol. 29 Ch. 125 - Chibana's Song

    its moments like this when you really think that manga is art
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    Azadarake no Classmate ga Shinpai de - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

    wow, that last panel was like a jumpscare to me. Crazy how quick I went from smiling to feeling a deep sense of dread
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    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 21 Ch. 180 - The Girlfriend and Determination

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    Kono Oto Tomare! - Vol. 24 Ch. 100 - Love Letter

    Congrats to Amyuu-sensei for 100 chapters and massive thanks to TL for translating this series so well! I'm pretty scared how this will turn out. I see Momoya and Chika getting a fight over this (started by Chika obv, since he swore to strike down anyone who was even remotely related to what...
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    EDENS ZERO - Ch. 129 - To Smile More

    im so happy for them!
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    Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - Vol. 5 Ch. 66.1 - Extra Chapter

    imo I prefer that hair coloring over fully coloring your hair IRL or in anime
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    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 15 Ch. 145 - About that loss

    Tsukasa and her "sister" are really something. How dare Nasa not remember something AS HE WAS DYING! For shame. I know Tsukasa is some sort of timeless entity, but god-dang, is the loss of this one memory something that you will throw away an entire lifetime of happiness for? Even without him...
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    Welcome to the Ballroom - Ch. 54 - Results 3

    Ayyyy finally after many years, we got the conclusion to this arc in the manga! I'm so glad that the mangaka is doing fine enough to release a chapter per two months (honestly, that's a good pace for a chapter of this quality and length). I wonder how long this series could go for?
  18. T

    Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - Vol. 5 Ch. 65.4 - Extra Chapter

    WHY... ARE YOU... SO... FREAKING CUTE!? (both of you)