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  1. jia-art

    Dragon Claw - Vol. 4 Ch. 22 - UPDATE (Webtoon oneshot included)

    @darekpawlo going to post an update here soon. a LOT of shit happened, (health problems (hand), the webtoon contest going horrible for me, more health problems (back pain) and even more stuff going bad IRL) but I'm currently back at working on a new story. Will post it not only on webtoon, but...
  2. jia-art

    Dragon Claw

    @Hishamaru Thanks for reading and sharing! : ) @Wawawelon haha, don't worry I will explain more later. Just enjoy the art for now! : ) @maronic02 Thanks maronic! I also noticed that today, mainly because I got logged out of mangadex because the "remember me 1 year" thing run out haha. Btw...
  3. jia-art

    Dragon Claw

    @Deltakam Thanks Deltakam! I'm working hard on the next one! : ) @Meh_Incarnate I'm doing good! A loooot of work, but I love working on this world/story, so I have to force myself to take breaks haha @Falador haha Oh!! There was actually meaning behind that? I thought it was just a troll, but...
  4. jia-art

    Dragon Claw - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Dedication

    @Darketower @EritoProxy @DatDopeCracker @JustABlindGuy @Ridermiv Thanks for reading and for the comments! Always makes me happy to read them : ) @Fullapple1991 You mean the spear that's missing? I haven't even fixed that yet haha @FatPancakez Oh there are a lot more cool environments on the...
  5. jia-art

    Dragon Claw - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Dedication

    I just woke up and I see like 20 new comments, wow! Last night before going to bed I had this thought.. right now, as I'm going to sleep, a bunch of people around the world are reading my manga. Idk, I just found that pretty cool. @GazumYuh @Wastucar Oh there are way better world building...
  6. jia-art

    Dragon Claw

    @Tfdonny I could do this for 30 years haha @Pantera Thanks! A new chapter has just been released! : ) @bongsiak Thanks for reading! : ) @Falador Me and some friends have thought for an hour about what this could mean, but we haven't deciphered it yet.
  7. jia-art

    Dragon Claw - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Dedication

    @Skrub1618 @xyzzy @lomentree @Bus @uelman @Patate2for1 Thanks for reading! I appreciate the comments : ) @Zero13 Interesting theory! I'll just act like I know nothing about it! @maronic02 My editor friend said the same about the fountain being reached. Also, I personally found the asato scene...
  8. jia-art

    Dragon Claw - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Sacrifice

    @RevereShin @Skrub1618 @rasmus1070 @Space_Cannoli @Ridermiv @JustABlindGuy Thanks for all the motivating comments! It's pretty cool to see recurring names in the comment sections : ) @Academic There will be one and I wan't to put it on a website like amazon, which can ship to the most countries...
  9. jia-art

    Dragon Claw

    @Eden010 @Vbpretend Thanks! : ) @aixt If the creator gets lead by some cultural/social ideas/mindsets of the current time in their story, they probably didn't have such a creative idea in the first place. Those who have a strong creative drive, will create their story regardless of the current...
  10. jia-art

    Dragon Claw - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Sacrifice

    @Mna Thanks! Yes, using your soul art, especially in her state is very dangerous. If you noticed her leg in the last panel you can see how badly it can affect the body. @cryum I'm glad to hear that! I hope I can improve the dialogue in chapter 0 next week too. What do you think about that in...
  11. jia-art

    Dragon Claw - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Sacrifice

    @NotLazy @joziser @Nuzak @moshino Thanks everyone for the comments! It's always motivating to read them! : ) @TsuguRaku I'm very excited to show more creature design! And yeah, I also want to post more color sketches! Maybe even backgrounds @Thetoast I'm very happy to hear that!! : ) I...
  12. jia-art


    @Zero13 There will be fire users : ) One of my favourite characters is one actually. He comes from the Wyvern clan, but it will take some time to find out more about every clan.
  13. jia-art


    @REDS Thanks! Yes it's different from the first upload. And I'm interested to hear what you would cut out from chapter 0.
  14. jia-art


    @REDS It got replaced. Chapter 0 is now the new version. I changed the most things on page 3, 12, 13, 14 and some little things here and there. I was trying to make it more digestible
  15. jia-art

    Dragon Claw

    @NotLazy The next chapter won't take as long. Normal chapters are finished in a month. So you can expect the next chapter to hit at the end of january! @weaboomemelord69 I'm also very excited to show you all where this goes! : ) @melbisbelbis @Dandy221 Thanks for reading! @Blackprussian I...
  16. jia-art


    @EritoProxy I'm happy to hear that! @EndMyExistence I'm also very excited to get back to current events. @Zero13 Very happy to see you notice the little details like the armor designs. About the world map, did you miss the one on page 3 or do you mean a map of the planet/continents...
  17. jia-art


    @Yass99 wow! @maronic02 Thanks! It would be good If this new chapter 1 stays on there as a link post for a bit, but I expect it to get removed and I want to post text posts in the future, because I fear that Dragon Claw might get banned completly or something like that. But I will probably wait...
  18. jia-art

    Dragon Claw

    @maronic02 Thanks for your concern, but I guess everything is alright. The problem was, normally people only follow me after a chapter got uploaded. But, a few days ago, suddenly out of nowhere, a bunch of weird 18+ accounts started following me. I didn't really know how to deal with it so I...
  19. jia-art

    Updating Manga Cover Bug?

    @Yatsuki I contacted the moderators on discord and the problem has been solved! It was indeed a bug. Thanks for your help!
  20. jia-art

    Updating Manga Cover Bug?

    Hello everyone, this might be a stupid question, but I have a problem with updating the cover for my user created Manga called "Dragon Claw" I followed the instruction to report the manga and ask to update the cover. All that worked as it should and the cover is updated. But If you use the...