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  1. A

    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 30 - A Changing Heart

    NO! DAMMMMMIT! Just when Yuni was going to confess to herself that she's attached to Fuuko!!!!! Fuuko prefers Yuni but this mystery girl's gonna ruin everything! Yuni's probably going to think Fuuko's just been using her and try her best to repair her relationship with Nanase because Nanase's...
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    This Monster Wants to Eat Me - Ch. 45 - The Sunset Glow

    Maybe this will actually prolong her life? How will she ever find happiness knowing that her 'departure' will cause others misery??? I can't wait for the anime!
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Guidance and Discipline

    That's if you're seeing the cheating as the sole problem but for me, it isn't. Yuni and Nanase had a troubled relationship which led to the cheating. I think it's a domino effect. One action led to another. Yes, Yuni is mostly to blame. To say Fuuko did nothing wrong is also a stretch? She...
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    The Anemone Feels the Heat - Ch. 48 - Once Again

    IT'S ENDING????? NO!!!!!!! Why? Is it because that new girl was super annoying? Or is the author out of steam? I'm gonna miss these gaybies!!!!! Gosh... before an anime was made??? I needed this to happen before the end. I hope the author has another GL in the works! Love their art!
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Guidance and Discipline

    Fuuko kickstarted the cheating but they definitely had problems before... besides, if we go this route, we'll see it's a domino effect so who gets the ultimate blame? Fuuko for pursuing Yuni despite knowing she has a girlfriend? Yuni for those posts that lead to Fuuko finding her? Nananse for...
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Guidance and Discipline

    Here's my "essay" contribution for this chapter! Oh Yuni, poor Yuni. The grass is greener on the other side isn't it? She's got what she's wanted but it leaves her feeling despondent still? Is it because public acknowledgement isn't what she sought at all? I think she didn't really care about...
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Guidance and Discipline

    I think Fuuko will accept being Yuni's lover. She only inserted herself as the maternal figure because that's a position that Yuni cannot argue with. An Onee-san you can bicker and go against but a mother is harder to fight. This is not some maternal kink. Fuuko picking the role of mother is...
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    Citrus + - Vol. 7 Ch. 38 - October 5th

    It doesn't seem like the author's found balance? It's the same themes playing over and over again with less smut which is fine. There was a comment about + being plot focused but the plot to me is about these to characters falling in love with some dramatic incidents that help strengthen their...
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    This Monster Wants to Eat Me - Ch. 44 - That Familiar Sound of Love

    Sincerely hoping 'eat' can be a work around that'll change the outcome of this brilliant story. I love how Hinako is able to differentiate the intensity of Shiori's feelings with Miko. I think it's because she can see that Shiori exists only for her. She cares not for anyone else, just Hinako...
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 28 - Discordance

    I think it could something like Nanase is the popular girl, the prince type, and Yuni was maybe fangirling a little. Maybe it starts off with something simple like being assigned to clean the classroom together. Nanase's being nice to Yuni and Yuni's so desperate for attention that she's hooked...
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 28 - Discordance

    I wish this meant they're breaking up but they're probably going to try to work it out again. Both of them apologizing when really they should just break up. Nanase gonna be cheating with Yuki before they even come close to breaking up. I think Nananse can't handle another failed relationship...
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    This Monster Wants to Eat Me - Ch. 43 - Antinomy

    Thank you monster! For setting the mood and allowing Shiori to at least get a little cuddle in with her favorite human! Also, is it messed up to think that if the monsters keep coming, Hinako will never be truly happy? She'll always worry that her bestie and her totally not girlfriend will get...
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    The Anemone Feels The Heat - Ch. 45 - Admiration

    I'm in a lot of other fandoms right now and am a major WLW shipper. I have to say Kouhai reminds me of those entitled fans. Stalking, expecting, and demanding things from someone they hold in esteem. Wonder if this is inspired by those stories about V.A.'s, that when someone gets engaged or...
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 27 - Cruel Exchange

    Fuuko definitely wants to be Yuni's ride or die and I'm here for it. I may have been correct in insinuating the mom play was a way to ensure that Yuni wouldn't be able to reject her advances. She's posed herself as a caring female figure that Yuni would have trouble saying no to. I mean you can...
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    This Monster Wants to Eat Me - Vol. 9 Ch. 41 - Wound on the Sincere Heart

    Think she wants to eat her in a different way now.... I mean, they can always change the deal? Amend it perhaps? Instead of eating her to kill maybe she can eat her in a more pleasurable way and condemn her to live as long as she does? Every bone in me is wishing for a happy ending but the...
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    The Anemone Feels The Heat - Ch. 44 - Argument

    I think the kouhai bit is a bit forced though. At least her reaction is. It would have been better if she was a school rival or a former classmate she reconnects with at cram school. We could have gotten the same feelings without the antagonistic approach of Kouhai. But yes to all your points...
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    The Anemone Feels The Heat - Ch. 44 - Argument

    Nagisa would be trash if she knew what she was doing. But she doesn't. She doesn't know what she did wrong because this is the first time she's encountered this problem. She asks for communication, wants to fix the problem, but can't possibly know that Mashiro doesn't want to say anything...
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    The Anemone Feels The Heat - Ch. 44 - Argument

    Judging by much of the comments made by everyone, Nagisa isn't the only person suffering from lack of empathy or ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Lack of social skills and awareness are very valid reasons as to why Nagisa isn't able to comprehend the consequences of her...
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    The Anemone Feels The Heat - Ch. 44 - Argument

    Because I can understand Nagisa's inexperienced not only due to her being a teenager but because she never really had social interactions with others. I don't think she really had friends before. Her time had been divided by studying and taking care of her siblings. Mashiro, even though she's...
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    My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 6 Ch. 26 - Collision Course

    Thanks! It's understandable why one can interpret that in the beginning about Fuuko. But now that we've seen how her family is, how her mom treats her, I'm thinking more like she's clinging to lonely Yuni so they can be lonely together. That's exactly my point. Fuuko's developed this...