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  1. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 11 Ch. 56.1 - Trumpeter Part 1

    It's literally how the manga has been released since its inception, in fact a lot of online manga does that. If I had to guess it's for monetization reasons by the publisher, but it does give the mangaka more time if they want to flesh something out or they find an issue with a page that was...
  2. chronostriker1

    Toki-sensei wa Kigaetai - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Santa Clothes

    There is a typo on page 13 Also there are a few instances where punctuation drifts off into the next line, like if there are two exclamation points, one will be on the next line.
  3. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 11 Ch. 56.1 - Trumpeter Part 1

    Just so everyone knows this is the first part of a chapter... This isn't left as a cliffhanger. Also I really doubt this is the ending arc.
  4. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 55.5 - On-Hiatus Illustration

    there was a week hiatus... and I've been sick for the last two weeks so the chapter before the one released yesterday is being worked on right now...
  5. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 55.2 - Shangri-la Hot Spring Part 2

    Good catch, it's fixed already, just waiting on the site to clear it's cache of the old one.
  6. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 55.2 - Shangri-la Hot Spring Part 2

    Man it's weird, people seem to be confused about the whole enemy becoming an ally in shonen manga troupe. Don't think Vegeta ever got this much hate when Goku befriended him. Even if you don't like her, personally, I'd rather look at Connies ass than not.
  7. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 55.2 - Shangri-la Hot Spring Part 2

    Yes I miss-numbered the chapter originally. I tried editing it but it left the forum saying it was 52.5, so I had to remove and re add it. You may have also noticed there were two 55.5's, Mangadex had a hiccup and I didn't think it uploaded as it took 3min to show.
  8. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 55.2 - Shangri-la Hot Spring Part 2

    She is the member of Lavi's fathers group, the one with the horn.
  9. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 55.2 - Shangri-la Hot Spring Part 2

    No one said it was the end of the series, just possibly the end of the skill-eater arc.
  10. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 54.5 - Antidotey Claws

    I have commented on this in the past. But to reiterate, at this time no. I do want to make sure people buy the physical versions so the mangaka and publisher get their fair due. Also, there are some significant changes to some of the art and backgrounds and it would take a considerable amount...
  11. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 54.5 - Antidotey Claws

    Well I learned something today. For everyone else, we will never censor anything in our releases.
  12. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 54.5 - Antidotey Claws

    Are you stupid... Why would you ever think a scanlation team would ever add censorship? Sorry for the insult, we get this every time the publisher censors something, it gets old answering it every time.
  13. chronostriker1

    Toki-sensei wa Kigaetai - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Sailor Uniform

    I will not comment on the translation itself, but what was happening with that typesetting? I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many instances of single punctuation on a line of its own. Also, splitting words without hyphens makes it awful to read. You can make the text smaller to fit bubbles, and...
  14. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 54.2 - Karna’s Armor Part 2

    That is not what that was... She always acts like that. Also, you clearly don't enjoy reading this, so you should probably stop.
  15. chronostriker1

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 54.2 - Karna’s Armor Part 2

    We have not seen Tartarus's treasure so there would be at the very least one more arc. But it's not the only dungeon in this world so... who knows.
  16. chronostriker1

    Seijo ja nakatta no de, Oukyuu de nonbiri Gohan wo Tsukuru koto ni shimashita - Vol. 4 Ch. 17.1

    There are a bunch of easy to spot grammar errors in this chapter. You may want to either have your pr person go through it again. Funny thing is since you are using MTL to translate, why not through it through grammarly or chat-gpt to do the grammar checks too?