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    Kimi ga Shinu Natsu ni

    I hope the next chapter gets Translated soon, since I wonder how he'll react
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    Vampire x Junior

    i hope the rest of the chapters are translated soon
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    Catulus Syndrome

    I Hope the 3 chapters are uploaded sooner, but i doubt they will be
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    Catulus Syndrome

    Im confused, it says 100 chapters, but here and on MAL it says ongoing
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    this is really great, wonder how the sequel works out, maybe a married life?
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    Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan

    @fluffykunat I mean, he is in a school with a male to female ratio of 1:359
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    Ijimekaeshi. -Fukushuu no 31-

    Wonder when the next chapter will come out
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    Cat Maid and Mistress

    We need more of this
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    This really could've been a better story, they didn't even get together in the end
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    Hino-san no Baka

    I need MORE
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    Ano Oni Kyoushi ga Boku no Ane ni Narundesuka?

    Two things, one, i wish this uploaded more often, two, i wonder when his friends at school (if he has any) will find out
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    Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo

    Definitely one of my favorite rom-coms, however..... I'm surprised nobody made a hentai doujinshi of this yet, since IMO this seems like something you could make a doujinshi for
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    Boku no Namae wa "Shounen A"

    Decent ending, but two things, and
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    based off the description, i thought it was kinda gonna be like a manga where it just shows everyday life where she can see things, and not an actual story. Guess i was wrong, but its still really good
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    Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi

    I'm in chapter 8 currently, so I don't know if it happens, but I really hope an Imouto character comes in, since most harem romances have one
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    Killing Me!

    This is such a great manga, and surprisingly it has a official English version, yet it got axed and only has one volume, and because of that is doesn't have an ending.
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    Seifuku no Vampiress Lord

    I forgot this was canceled and was like, kinda sad the ending happened so fast, but it was still a good ending, but now I'm pissed I remember that it was axed, this seemed like a manga that would sell well.