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  1. K

    Blades of the Guardians - Ch. 111

    Thanks for the chapter Msg me or reply to this if you need help with anything. I have experience redrawing but can do whatever. :salute:
  2. K


    @BobelX unfortunately no. I was talking to reaper scans and they said they dropped it because the translators didn't have interest in it. I might have to just say fuck it and use google translate but google translate is trash. Better than nothing tho I guess. Hopefully, someone in the future...
  3. K

    Symphonic Scans

    same as below, Thank you very much for picking up "Boku no Giovanni"
  4. K


    Hello everyone I'm looking to pick up this manga but the problem is I don't know Korean. I can redraw fine on my own so if anyone knows Korean and wants to help me, hit me up. Thank you