I relate so much to this character. I have always been overly interested in sex. I'm ashamed to say I acted just like this guy and even Mineta from my hero back in my highschool days. I'm lucky social media really hadn't taken off yet. Internally I haven't changed and the internet helps me have...
Ok so you have double standards.
Well, objectively and legally what she did was a crime. I don't think there are any words anyone could say to you that will change your mind on why it was also ethically dubious. So I'll leave it there.
I don't think your point is clear. You dismiss what Ekoda did on the basis that the victim is fictional. Now, a crime is being planned and you frame it as such in your credits page. The sisters are also fictional so.. What is your point?
Why is it I can watch all forms of violent acts against women in live action without an issue but the prospect of this drawing getting assaulted fills me with immense dread.
I'm not into loli feet, but if I was this chapter would be the highlight of the manga so far. I'd like to reiterate that I am not into loli feet. I'm just thinking about how awesome it would be for people who are into loli feet. Which, I am not.