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  1. Q

    Parasyte Reversi - Vol. 4 Ch. 37.5 - Omake - Fukami the Psychic

    Can't wait until the chick that Uragami beat his meat to gets her own chapter too.
  2. Q


    Nope, doesn't seem to be any raws or digitally purchasable copies either.
  3. Q

    Dekisokonai no Himegimi-tachi - Vol. 5 Ch. 30 - What if, Maybe

    I don't see the point of not including male characters just because it's a yuri, it just limits potential stories that can be told. I would probably have prefered if the guy just saw her as a friend though. While male characters in general seem like a rarity in the genre, I don't think I've...
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    Booty Royale: Never Go Down Without A Fight! - Vol. 8 Ch. 53 - Boy

    Lmao at the people getting triggered by a trans characters existance in the comments while whining about the "LGBTQ agenda". "Forced diverisity" isn't a thing. Why would an author suddenly need a narrative reason to justify a character's inclusion just because they're "diverse"? Because...
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    Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Chouetsu Heal~

    This isn't even so bad it's good, it's just cringey and boring as fuck. I'm not going to sit through over 30 chapters of character stats and the chuunibyou baiting mc looking smug and edgey just for a few poorly drawn scenes of non-vanilla hentai. Can't wait for the anti-sjws to get offended...