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  1. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 25 Ch. 273 - In the palm tree’s shadow

    What a wild ride it's been. Big thanks to StubbornOne for translating this masterpiece. Like many others, I first caught hint of Hyouge Mono with the anime adaptation and I can't believe it's been 13 years. I still watch the anime almost yearly and it only keeps getting better everytime, but...
  2. errorist424

    Ryuu to Yuusha to Haitatsunin - Vol. 8 Ch. 50 - Election, Magic, and the Courier V

    Amazing chapter once again. This manga has probably the highest quotable dialogue per chapter counts I've ever seen.
  3. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 24 Ch. 259 - Dear GOD

    Tokugawa's not playing around. Most other commanders would have probably stubbornly accepted the duel and lost. Also fun to see comicality scoring another win for the books.
  4. errorist424

    Ryuu to Yuusha to Haitatsunin - Vol. 7 Ch. 43 - The Station, the Chief, and the Courier

    This chapter is straight fire. Almost every page has some golden quotable dialogue.
  5. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 13 Ch. 140 - I want to hug you

    Well, that is a nice looking lantern. I think Rikyu would have liked the simple design. Thanks for the translation as always.
  6. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 13 Ch. 134 - HELP ME

    @Thjgthgt Don't forget about how he spreads his works and increases their value while at it.
  7. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 13 Ch. 133 - ORIBECHAMELEON

    Wheels really are in motion now. Ishida going all "Come at me bro" while Oribe sounds almost like Sun Tzu.
  8. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 13 Ch. 132 - INKYOLOGIC

    I have a feeling that certain other pair of socks from chapter 26 will have their time in the spotlight. Also, god dammit Hidetada. You ought to get slapped again for being too direct.
  9. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 12 Ch. 130 - GREEN-TEA SUPERNODO

    Surprised Hideyoshi didn't straight up choke on the tea, but since he didn't, GO FOR IT ORIBE! We're all counting on you!
  10. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 12 Ch. 127 - Evening MY BEST FRIEND

    Flashback to chapter 33. Good to see Hideyoshi is able to get at least some resemblance of peace though.
  11. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 12 Ch. 126 - Days of the starving

    Damn, I really don't envy Ishida in the position that he's in. He too seems to want for the war to end, but since he's in charge, he can't just go and tell Hideyoshi that it can't be done. So he will become a ruthless, unreasonable taskmaster in everyone's eyes. I think that gun is a hand...
  12. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 12 Ch. 123 - Room, Showdown and Chain

    Well done Oribe. Slap the stupid right out of them.
  13. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 11 Ch. 119 - Knockin' on Heaven of Aesthetics

    Ukon, you sly dog. That's a smile well deserved.
  14. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 11 Ch. 113 - Heartbreak Fushimi

    Furuori, you sly fox. Glad to see he's all buddy-buddy with Tadaoki again though.
  15. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 11 Ch. 111 - Saint ★ Mother

    Such good faces once again. Also, Tadaoki never lucky.
  16. errorist424

    Tonari no Youkai-san

    Man, this is super comfy. Cheers for the scanlators
  17. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 11 Ch. 109 - Theme of Ascension

    More Hyouge Mono! Praise be! The scanlator is a saint above all others! (Also, holy hell. We're at volume 11 and there's 24 in total. Sasuke's wild ride never ends.)
  18. errorist424

    Hyouge Mono - Vol. 10 Ch. 107 - Kiln Time Blues

    New chapter? A day of joy! A day of happiness!