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  1. iykoou

    Ouji-sama no Tomodachi - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Valuing your friends

    I think it's pretty late to say this, but the fmc is kinda annoying to me. She normally treats other girls that make them think they're special. Thus, seeing her being close with mc, there must be at least one of the girls having hostility towards mc. Mc also has to be the one fixing her...
  2. iykoou

    Ore ni Trauma wo Ataeta Joshi-tachi ga Chirachira Mitekuru kedo, Zannen desu ga Teokure desu - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    Lah bentar, jdinya dia beneran gk perawan nih? Jadi pilihan terakhir si klo ini, itu dh bodoh beut.
  3. iykoou

    Ore ni Trauma wo Ataeta Joshi-tachi ga Chirachira Mitekuru kedo, Zannen desu ga Teokure desu - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Yang bagian tunangan tetangganya agak aneh dan kurang make sense. Salah translation atau memang di source nya begitu ya? Katanya dia dlu punya tunangan, tpi cowoknya steril dan obatnya gk ada efek, trus ortu cowoknya gk terima dan mutusin tunangan anaknya. Bukannya harusnya ortu ceweknya yg gk...
  4. iykoou

    Listener ni Damasarete Dungeon no Sai Kasou kara Dasshutsu RTA suru Koto ni Natta - Ch. 4 - It's a deadly search

    I kinda have a fantasy about this. I imagine that in the end, everyone will get attached to him because they watch him every day. But then at the moment when he is about to leave the unexplored place, he gets in a deadly situation where potions can't even fix. Towards his death, he thanks all...
  5. iykoou

    Dou ka Ore wo Houtte Oitekure - Naze ka Bocchi no Owatta Koukou Seikatsu wo Kanojo ga Kaeyou to shite kuru - Vol. 4 Ch. 23 - You Can't Help But Wonde…

    I hate that friend chick. She doesn't want her friend to be friends with MC even though she knows that it will hurt her. So instead of telling her friend herself to not be friends with MC and being hated by her, she prefers MC to avoid her friend and gets him hated by her friend. And if anything...
  6. iykoou

    Yandere Nisshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    Well, this one is not the yandere I want and expect. It seems that she already had a partner before but was disappointed with him because she specifically said that she wanted MC to be her first partner. But then somehow remembered that some child had promised to marry her back then then coerced...
  7. iykoou

    Orcsen Oukokushi ~Yaban na Orc no Kuni wa, Ikanishite Heiwa na Elf no Kuni wo Yakiharau ni Itatta ka~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    If I'm allowed to say, it's quite interesting. I don't want to relate the story here with some real world histories, at least for now. I think of it as its own story and not some fiction replica with a wishful ending of what should have happened.
  8. iykoou

    Seikishi no Ore ga suki ni natta heroine ga zokuzoku to Aitsu no Harem member ni natte shimaundakedo Ore no Nani ga Ikenai noka Dareka Oshiete kure!!…

    Well, I simply wish MC gets a happy ending and don't end up with leftover girls from a scumbag. Mind control or not, it simply hurts, for MC and the girls (if it really is mind control). I can't see the threads between them connecting again, it's better if they move on with their own lives...
  9. iykoou

    Kono Naka ni Hitori, Ore no Yome ga Iru - Vol. 5 Ch. 38

    Menurutku, mending cewe²nya tetep ama adiknya aja deh. Ngapain mc mau ama cewe yg dh jebol dan gambangan hehe
  10. iykoou

    Inaka no Kuro Gal JK to Kekkon Shimashita - Ch. 1

    This is just my opinion, you may very well disagree with this. I don't really like the premise, or I might simply look for the wrong romance manga (than what I prefer). Many men might like this, I mean, who doesn't like all you can f*ck buffet with no commitments. But to me, I'm just confused...
  11. iykoou

    The Sobbing Clerk I Helped From the Convenience Store’s Robbery Is in Fact a Naive and Cute Gal From My Class

    Genuine question, I want to read this manga (I know many people said it's bad, but I want to look it myself), but that sexual violence tag disturbs me a bit. Can someone elaborate why this manga has that tag specifically? That tag sounds intimidating and I'm not into that.
  12. iykoou

    Tune In to the Midnight Heart - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Flyby Anomaly

    Aku pribadi agak kesel si, ni cewe ngapain bikin susah buat dirinya sendiri ama yamabuki. Trus gk ada ngomong maaf lagi, haha hehe doang ngingkarin janji. Vibe romance nya kurang menurutku, he did his best but you ran away, balik² bukannya minta maaf, malah bikin susah
  13. iykoou

    Dansou no Partner - Ch. 3

    I mean, why not reporting it?
  14. iykoou

    Nana Seiken to Maken no Hime - Vol. 4 Ch. 10.2 - Dawn cut by a demon sword-02

    Dude, if it is caused by humans, then it's not a natural disaster anymore.
  15. iykoou

    Dorobou-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Dorobou-chan and Yonaga-kun.

    Idk, if it was me, I would probably hate it that even my crush had the thought of me being evil just from my scary face
  16. iykoou

    Oretachi ga osananajimi janaku natta hanashi - Oneshot

    tak suka aku yg kek gini, gk ngasih jawaban pasti, org lain udh confess tpi masih mikir diri sendiri
  17. iykoou

    Kimitte Watashi no Koto Suki Nandesho? - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Here's the thing. I was traumatized being teased. I just can't connect teasing with happiness in one sentence. I know it's a romcom and it won't turn bad, but the past reality just makes me shudder. I found this manga by chance and I hope it fixes my trauma, at least a bit. Sorry for complaining...
  18. iykoou

    The Cute One Is You! - Vol. 1 Ch. 8.5

    Um, well, that's cute. But I'm still against with moms who treat their sons like a girl and dress them up with girly stuff. I think gender differences must be taught to them since they're kids (well, no need to be thoroughly taught, just simply tell them and show them that a boy should behave...
  19. iykoou

    Toshishita no Senpai-chan 2 - Vol. 1 Ch. 9.3 - Let's Hold Hands

    It's so natural that it becomes supernatural