I sometimes feel like the author completely forgot that the MC is actually an adult woman. There are so many instances of the MC being shown as having the emotional development of a child with no indication of this being an act. I know she was bullied but ffs that shouldn’t make her retarded...
Chapter 10 was really impactful. Great character moments for the MC as well as the supporting cast. Hopefully the author can keep up this high level of writing.
That fight was really dumb. He could have just grabbed the sword and wrestled it out of his opponents hands but no... you have to almost kill yourself when a monster strong enough to threaten your whole nation is waiting right around the corner. He also destroyed a very valuable weapon in the...
@Ranuth I think Mangadex just bugged out and didn’t show me the other ratings for whatever reason... now I can see the other ratings and it makes sense. Thank god maths didn’t change (but you never know what might happen in 2020)
Wait, how does the rating system work. I have given it the first rating (6) because I know the title from another site and now the final rating is 7,94...
Guess I need to go back to university, because I clearly don’t understand maths 😅
WTF, one of the people on the other side of the bridge could just step on the bridge of light at the same time as the MC, thus fulfilling the condition... this isn‘t even a big deal