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  1. Kanami-chan

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 167 - Returning The Favor

  2. Kanami-chan

    DEAD Tube - Ch. 98

    My oshi is sungha jung
  3. Kanami-chan

    Jinrouki Winvurga Rebellion - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Rebuilding

    voluntary rape is the best
  4. Kanami-chan

    Magic Level 99990000 All-Attribute Great Sage - Ch. 70

    too many fillers. give me more demons
  5. Kanami-chan

    Kingdom - Ch. 794 - Leaving The Roots Intact

    and Riboku is a typical genius character written by an idiot author.
  6. Kanami-chan

    Kingdom - Ch. 794 - Leaving The Roots Intact

    Gyou refugee plan + Qi surprise supplies was pretty good
  7. Kanami-chan

    Kingdom - Ch. 794 - Leaving The Roots Intact

    Ousen is so useless
  8. Kanami-chan

    Kingdom - Ch. 793 - A True Rearguard

    Ousen's stock is dumping hard Riboku did great gaslighting Seika's citizens into becoming his sandbag and planned ahead to build that tunnel. meanwhile Ousen placed his army then proceed to afk and let them fight on auto-pilot. truly big brained strategy, even Denrimi can't fathom his wisdom
  9. Kanami-chan

    Azadarake no Classmate ga Shinpai de - Vol. 1 Ch. 37.5

    Pretty mid manga. Lameass savior complex wish fulfillment. Fuck you twitter.
  10. Kanami-chan

    Ao Ashi - Ch. 368 - Esperion Full of Hope

    suzaku's dad is a weeb
  11. Kanami-chan

    Kaguhara's Fetish Notebook - Ch. 11 - An Unplayed Hand of Diamonds and Hearts

    Why do puritan bitches always have so much power in manga? The gym teacher needs to do something about them.