is it just me or are the expressions really stiff??? like I feel that all the characters don't really change their expressions that much, it might just be the way the art is drawn but something is off for me. the art is really pretty but the eyes have been putting me off for some reason.
pls don't let him be ml, I really like Joseph as ml
I already don't like the feeling I'm getting from him, so hopefully, the endgame is Joseph, or I'm going to be sad
bruh he's a simp without even realizing it HAHAHA
I'm loving the Last Game vibes so much, this has slowly become one of my favorites to read, so thanks for the translation!
bruh both of the leads are kids??? what, the ML doesn't seem like it at first but now at least there's no misunderstanding trope that going to happen. but both of them seem super cute so I'm excited to see where their relationship goes
I'm glad you didn't have any major injuries, but still take as much time as you need for your health! Your scans are always top-tier and I will always be waiting patiently until you can come back!
Interesting, Astina was originally supposed to be sent, not the sister, but she ended up going anyway. Awwww, each sister was/is trying to protect each other, and could this mean that this meeting is fate? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm