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  1. MrMcPoopers

    Kochou no Yumeji - Ch. 161 - Path -Part Two-

    I believe we are about 20+ chapters away from the ending to this work. I cannot wait for it. Of course, the translator is doing an amazing job bringing us quality work. It is simply impressive.
  2. MrMcPoopers


    I just have to come and throw all of my gratitude at your feet. Having done some solo scanlations myself, I realize how difficult, time-consuming and sometimes not very rewarding it is to invest so much time into bringing others actual joy. To me, you are the epitome of excellency. Your...
  3. MrMcPoopers

    Lady Baby

    Facepalm. That is all that comes to mind reading this. I really do not know who came up with this idea. But whatever that person took while making this needs to be considered as dangerous and illegal as meth. I knew that Korean webcomics loved to market the ridiculous and that they have a sort...
  4. MrMcPoopers

    Bunny and Her Boys

    On one side, I find this idea of handsome men only a bit shallow. Handsome men are not always good and their good looks will not make up for their negative sides. Same thing with less handsome men. But well, Korea is a society that values good looks and might be more inclined to favor beautiful...
  5. MrMcPoopers

    Who Made Me a Princess?

    You might be asking who made you a princess. I am asking who the heck wrote this?! Where ridiculous stories are concerned, this one should get an award for how unidimensional it is. The art? Yeah, nothing new there. All Korean webcomics look the same. Story? Careful with how hard you are going...
  6. MrMcPoopers

    This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage

    Wow!!! What a opus of originality!!! What art that transcends that same mould Korean webcomics use over and over again! You can see that the artist went against all pre-established, boring, overused tropes! My, my, my! No marriage contracts seen millions of times, no ridiculous character names...
  7. MrMcPoopers

    Kochou no Yumeji

    This is a masterpiece if ever I saw one. The delicate feelings between the characters, how events in one's life shape one's interactions with one's environment, everything is exposed in such an empathetic, soft and ethereal way. You have the impression you are in a warm place, but surrounded by...
  8. MrMcPoopers

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess

    @Sammiep Fortunately, this is not about me but about this webcomic. Being a member (or not) of this or that society does not change the fact that one might like or dislike this. I stand behind what I said. This work is picking the lowest hanging fruit where art, story and originality is...
  9. MrMcPoopers

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess

    This is plain horrible. Plain horrible. The art. The story. The names. This is the summum of intellectual laziness on the part of the artists. Mind you, it is not the fault of the artists. They produce what they are told to. They need to eat. This being popular is a testament to the readers...
  10. MrMcPoopers

    Mr. Devil Rejoiced When I Made Parfait

    Very mediocre. The names are ridiculous. And of course, the FL will conquer the world with her pâtissier skills and make little cupcakes to warm up our frozen hearts. How cute, she can make a business out of a purely-feminine skill. Bravo, my little anticipated soufflé. As for the art … Manga...
  11. MrMcPoopers

    Beware the Villainess!

    Refreshing and unique?! Villainess?! Being dropped into a novel?!? WHAT IS THERE FRESH AND UNIQUE IN THAT?!?!? Oh my God. This is the same dumb plot being used, and reused, and reused. Mediocre to the point of pain. In fact, I don't even know how the readers can keep up with this. Don't they...
  12. MrMcPoopers

    The Emperor's Companion

    I really do not understand people. They will read idiocies like Surviving as the Hero's Wife, or any other such BS. But they are going to come and whine when the MC is what? Being actually realistic? (not that he is) Little fluffy bunnies believe that Western nobility was a little walk in the...
  13. MrMcPoopers

    Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi

    That moment when the Japanese try to produce the same ridiculous overdone plotlines as the Koreans. Who started? Don't wanna know. The rating this is going to get, a very generous 1/10. Actually, it should be a zero. When you copy in school, you get a zero, your parents get called in and you are...
  14. MrMcPoopers

    Glass Wall

    I am going to give this a 10/10. For one simple reason. All the people who complain about the cover being clickbait, about the art not being pretty, about the story being Chinese-manhua quality (while never having read The Queen Season 1, Song of the Long March, Song of the Sky Pacers, Dreams...