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  1. LukeACM

    Iseikai Tensei links for the information: Alphapolis notice: The mangaka twitter: Follow him, he always post some spoilers and draws of noah, it's a cool guy.
  2. LukeACM

    Iseikai Tensei

    Little Notice: The manga stopped for some months due to author issues and some negotiations, the mangaka published in his twitter that now the manga is officialy released (idk the name when a magazine decide by the manga, whatever), and now every day one of the month a new chap will be released...
  3. LukeACM

    Isekai de Tochi o Katte Noujou o Tsukurou

    @Aech the scan only release 2 chaps together at 2 months each (i don't understand this mentality, since there's other mangas they release monthly, but whatever, not to me argue about, must be a inner motivation to do) so we will need to wait to 24 be made by the author and 22 and 23 by the scan
  4. LukeACM

    Ore no [Kantei] Skill ga Cheat Sugite ~Densetsu no Yuusha wo Yomi "Tori" Saikyou e~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.1

    you may ask "why her bb's are so big?" but remember, she use a armor, and if half her body is semi naked it's half the work to do, mangaka is thinking way more in the future than us
  5. LukeACM

    [FSS] Fashion Squad Scan

    @GrayTempest CH3 is currently in QC
  6. LukeACM

    Ore no [Kantei] Skill ga Cheat Sugite ~Densetsu no Yuusha wo Yomi "Tori" Saikyou e~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Sorry for the delay in the chapter, our translator got married XD, the manga will return to its normal release pace.
  7. LukeACM

    Isekai de Tochi o Katte Noujou o Tsukurou - Vol. 3 Ch. 18.5

    @SuperRobotSolo Iseikai Tensei, also from Fashion Squad
  8. LukeACM

    [FSS] Fashion Squad Scan

    Hey Guys, chap 2 is out and 3 is already cleaned, just waiting for the tl, ty for the appreciation :D