well that was a twist. a brown bear mistaken as a rabbit? lol. also i dont think he ever intended to eat her, doesnt feel right and itd end up twisting his vision for the books.
eh i dont mind either way. also he has had a painful life hasnt he? one wife never even aknowleged their childs exsistance and the other one was a yandere due to her abuse.
@SammyFan he'd have to explain where he got it if its in high quantities and while the indevidual items might sell for less he might end up making more than the gold and silver.
just as the reverse cerberus syndrome was kicking in i find out its on hiatus lol. and i was really looking forward to it. story wise the build up to him snapping was really good plus the robot design was amazing.
im bit sad for the other savior since she seemed to just want a family but at the same time the only way she could have kept it is if she tried to learn. plus i absolutly love the femc.