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  1. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 33 Ch. 134 - At the depths of despair

    Yeah I have a question... if chapters 70-135 are supposed to be the last season of the AoT anime, how the HECK are they going to cram all of this into 12 episodes? It's already episode 4 and Eren hasn't even attacked Marley yet...
  2. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 33 Ch. 132 - Wings of Freedom

    "It's time to go." "Was I a good commander?" "No. I'm told you were the best."
  3. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 32 Ch. 130 - Dawn of Humanity

    Damn those last few pages were so fking cool.
  4. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 31 Ch. 124 - Melting Away

    Goddamit stfu Connie you're out of your element!
  5. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 30 Ch. 119 - Big Brother, Little Brother

    So... I guess boring chapters have just ceased to exist? It just keeps getting better.... I can't take it...
  6. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 29 Ch. 117 - Judgement

    Erwins face on the front cover was my reaction to Reiner getting half his head ripped off.
  7. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 28 Ch. 114 - The Only Hope

    Considering how Eren's whole thing is "Fight or die" I can't understand how he would be able to align to Zeke's way of thinking here... by choosing to extinguish the Eldian bloodline that is choosing death, suicide for the whole race. Eren would be more willing to fight to the death, no...
  8. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 28 Ch. 113 - Violence

    Very satisfying seeing Zeke all trussed up like a Christmas turkey, although Levi probably should have covered Zeke's mouth or something, just in case?
  9. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 28 Ch. 111 - Child of the Forest

    Oh shit we're all getting M. Night Shamalamed.
  10. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 26 Ch. 105 - Assassination

  11. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 26 Ch. 103 - Assault

    Last time anyone trusted a child-soldier from Marley they lost an entire war, so, you got what ya fkin' deserve, dontchya?
  12. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 25 Ch. 102 - It's Too Late Now

    Well the Scouts are still waiting to play their Armin card it seems... and I wonder if they've made any progress with Annie over these years?
  13. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 25 Ch. 101 - WarHammer

    Gotta admit, that Warhammer Titan is/was pretty freakin' sweet.
  14. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 24 Ch. 96 - A Gate of Hope

    Got to be the most interesting chapter so far, revisiting the destruction of Wall Maria. At first it seemed like it was a plan so calculated and perfect, in actuality being sloppy as hell just winging it the whole time, accidentally releasing the horde of Titans into the walls to save their own...
  15. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 23 Ch. 94 - The Boy Inside the Wall

    One of the most heartwrenching chapters of the series right here. Not only is Reiner caught up in the lifelong mindfuck instilled by the Marleys but recognizes the lose-lose situation his friends and family are in. The eyes that know that the Marleys are just going to toss them to the dogs...