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    Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku

    Wouldn't that be the most awesome stuff?
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    Isekai Ojisan

    --> To Be Continued
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    a good amount of backstory and yet it is only the beginning im excited
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    Dog Nigga

    Your N-word pass, give it to me.
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    Tatsunoko's Pixiv Collection - Ch. 9 - You are not alone

    ive been stabbed in the feels
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    Jimi de Medatanai Watashi wa, Kyou de Owari ni shimasu.

    wait, which villainess? the good one or the bad one? wait, im also confused with my question
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    Hololive - Yohane's Twitter Shorts - Ch. 46 - Kabeduuuun

    i wanna do Kabedon on a Kabe too...
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    The Weakest Occupation "Blacksmith," but It's Actually the Strongest

    @MistLynx i know right? have fun beating the Demon Lord using twigs and micro-pen*s
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    Kasei Madoushi no Isekai Seikatsu: Boukenchuu no Kasei Fugyou Uketamawarimasu!

    @Uthred we still in chapter 4, so hopefully theres more to come. however, the chances that she becomes more powerful through a training arc will probably be unlikely. it will probably be someone coming to that city/town who is/knows about otherworlders, in which case she goes on a journey to...
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    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

    @mildev ah im just yanking your legs. dont get me wrong, i do enjoy the MC sticking to his belief(s) and beating the sh*t out of people, just because he can, especially towards pompous pieces of sh*ts who thinks they're God. and im curious of this MC thats been training for 100,000,000 year. is...
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    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

    @mildev well, he is the least interesting swordsman. if he changes it up a bit, i think that would derail the whole story, no? the clue is in the title, on the 1st page of the manga
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    Solo Leveling

    Bow down before the power of our lord and saviour,
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    Shijou Saikyou no Mahou Kenshi, F Rank Boukensha ni Tensei Suru ~Kensei to Matei, 2 Tsu no Zense o motta Otoko no Eiyuutan~

    I don't know about you guys, i fkin hate with a fiery passion, people who looks down on others, and even after they prove their powers, they be like, "Nope, you cheated, how can you defeat me, im the lowlifes within the A/B rank, im famous, i have 300 confirmed completed quests that i most...
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    My New Wife Is Forcing Herself to Smile

    Damn Chiyo, attack him! Dominate him already!
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    My Senpai is Annoying

    Patrick: Weee Wooo Weee Wooo!!!
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    Isekai Monster Breeder

    @Jzc136 sorry, i meant in the sense that "when a mommy goblin and a daddy goblin, love each other very much" kinda thing, do/can they make more goblins, without MC catching more?
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    Doukutsu Ou kara Hajimeru Rakuen Life ~Bannou no Saikutsu Skill de Saikyou ni!?~

    @gagegageha But then you would have an underground civilization, then the need to delegate people to certain areas to govern, etc etc. Unless they all operate like a hive mind(?), no discrimination, no price inflation, etc, then that would be the good sh*t. Declare war on the surface dwellers...
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    Keizoku wa Maryoku Nari

    @lolikoki He has so he can probably create more humans if needed, huehue 😉