Search results

  1. C

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai

    @HarutoraRyu Yeah it's sad, a paper version is previewed too it was to respond at m6514309
  2. C

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai

    Licensed By Square Enix manga. Soon on Amazon Kindle.
  3. C

    Yakumo-san wa Ezuke ga Shitai

    Licensed By Square Enix manga. Soon on Amazon Kindle.
  4. C

    modification of featured title :planned:

    I think the featured title section can be improved with by adding a separation with "current featured title" and "previous featured title" : the previous can refer to the previous anime season or all manga previously adapted in anime, admins can choose. since a lot of readers are watchers too...
  5. C

    Hentai Toggle can be changed

    to search manga, I always move between the 3 toggles but since 2 days, I can't change the Hentai Toggle. when I try to change, I see the display how it has changed but when the page refresh, it's the same toggle with the same manga list.