Is it a regular veggie but the infusion of mana for forced growth what makes it exceptional? Or is there some agricultural boon intrinsic to the Many Ears? Because most demons don’t seem to have the humility or patience necessary for punishing farm work. OH and Nishi-sensei is writer for a new...
We finally found out what Fujimoto-sensei was cooking 😔
This man lives to make his OC’s suffer, idc if Denji was “dissatisfied” with living a normal, happy life.
That’s not what he needs- that’s the trauma brain talking, honey!
If this doesn’t make you wanna be an absolute goof with your cute partner idk what to say, thank you for the abundance of sweetness 🥹 wish we could get more explicitly romantic content (like others are saying) but this is still superb stuff
So is Remilia matchmaking for Emi? Because she clearly thinks Angel is a better match for her than prince fickle.
But I don’t know if even the webmaster herself realizes how good a fit the Demon King is for the real her- machinations and all.
Dude seems like he’d be into her pragmatically...
I think it was to save Feng Xian more pain. She has syphilis right? Others don’t know of Luo Han’s face blindness- the expected reaction would be one of disgust or rejection.
And Gran isn’t as cold as she acts, just a realist. Otherwise why continue to house and care for her? (can’t remember...
Don’t miss being a teenager at all 😂 poor kid got his first decent makeout sesh with a girl (demon) who at least sort of likes him and he nuts in their hand.
Dude needs a fucking break and I don’t think post nut clarity is gonna fix his problems.
Also Asa and Yoru are both messy as hell...
the more Phos was motivated to help those around them, the worse things got. seeking the power to change and experiencing failure and loss drove that growth. ultimately it’s this destructive quality driven by kindness that saves Humanity’s collective soul. Phos’ selfless act of sacrifice even...
Thank you for the TL, best of luck filling the position!
I wonder if those abortifacient pills were “mercury” or the village had a habit of burying those foetuses on the mountain.
So Iruma is introducing the concept of “fear is fun if it’s relatively safe” that humans like, but adding that element of risk like skydiving or bungee jumping. Closer to X-sports? One of those haunted houses where you have to sign a waiver first. These kids are gonna need therapy after.
I love how in the panel where Iruma is reflected in Beem’s eye, it looks like he’s wearing a little beret and scarf. Very artist-like, though whether that was Sensei’s intent is unclear.
thank you for this, it’s clearly all the butterflies she’s helped. even if she doesn’t know her sister keeps swapping them out, Michiru cares for them deeply.