@starlightcitypro I mean, I read that as him not being able to understand it emotionally, which is a whole different ball game from understanding it as a fact. It's fairly understandable, and he got to an appropriate place mentally anyway, so meh w/e
Am I misremembering or did they not check if those kids Kaname brought in were Greed? Seems like a super obvious thing to overlook considering literally the first thing they did when they got back to base was tell Kaname about the possibility while killing 2 in front of him.
@Akera93 The plot isn't really similar to solo leveling at all, other than MC being fairly OP. This isn't a dungeon spawning on earth story, it's a fantasy virtual reality thing. And yeah, fairly certain it's being done by the same artist as SL.
@TetsuyaLP someone else uploaded last time, hence the change in some of the translations. Also, the last upload wasn't even completely translated iirc.
@patware I don't know the details behind this exactly, but theoretically if a group wanted to take another down legally, it wouldn't be a civil suit (scanlation group v scanlation group), it would make much more sense for it to be a legal suit (scanlation group 1 informs relevant authority about...
@Patware Yeah, fuck Leviatan instead of JB who was threatening them with lawsuits so they could snipe the series.
quick edit: go to reddit, actually laid out info there.
Y'all, Blondie is definitely coming back, this author never sets up someone you wanna punch that lin boi doesn't fight, but you're crazy if you think lin gonna let either of the thots actually get hurt. He said he'd watch after them, I can't think of an instance of him saying he'd do something...
@firefox1234 You think leaving someone alive in this world would be a mercy? Pretty sure trying to live with the shame and lack of power would 100% get you abused and killed.
@Lycanka Probably by pissing off someone so powerful that no matter who your actual owner was, if you rebeled against that owner said powerful person would come hunt you down. Also, slaves can prob earn you money in the arena. And buying muscle to strengthen your own private army is definitely...
I can never understand people who complain about characters like this taking in slaves. Systematic slavery is a serious moral issue, but refusing to take part in that system does nothing for the people that are actively being victimized. Until he's presented with an actual choice that could...