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  1. B

    Focus message content after click

    It'd be great if, after clicking a button of the bb code bar, the message content text area was focused. It avoids mistakes like pressing backspace afterwards and going to the previous page and is a much more natural behavior
  2. B

    Scanlator site on chapter page

    Right now, a lot of people don't even look at credits pages and from those who do look at them, fewer go to those groups' profile to find their discord/website/contact information (when it's not in the credits page) and visit them. Given all the current drama, a great thing MD could do to show...
  3. B

    PM words blacklist

    The announcement about the death threats on scanlators for no delays is disgusting and ridiculous. It shouldn't be a thing... But sadly, a thread in announcements won't be the end of it. I'm not sure if these threats were mostly made via mangadex's messages, but if they were, could we have a...
  4. B

    Subscribe to all new messages

    Could we have a checkbox under the text box for making new posts in the forum, commenting on them, commenting on mangas or manga chapters to allow us to subscribe to them and be notified on all new comments made there and not just on people mentioning us?