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  1. sungjaywoo

    Clicking Next Chap goes back to Prev Chap

    I liked to click Ctrl + Left Click next chap so after reading current chap, next chap already finished preloading. but why so suddenly it goes back to prev chap?
  2. sungjaywoo

    'On Hold' followed manga doesn't showed on Latest Updates > Follows

    I just wondering why I cant see some of my 'On Hold' followed manga on Follows @ Latest Updates. I just planning to read those 'On Hold' series but it bothers me coz some ain't showing if they got recently updated.
  3. sungjaywoo

    Best Manga you've read**

    c'mon guys, give a shot here
  4. sungjaywoo

    Suggest some 'Mystery' 'Psychological' anime

    I really like watching those kind genre, I hope there's someone who knows other than 'Detective Conan'
  5. sungjaywoo

    'Lowkey' tag

    maybe this should go
  6. sungjaywoo

    Folder to filter some manga

    Hoping to have like folder where you can sort some manga with common based genre, e.g; Folder contains based on 'Romance-only' ect.
  7. sungjaywoo

    Unavailabe Chapters

    please fix or replaced some 'Unavailable/Unreadable' chapters T_T