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  1. Herocus

    U12 (Under 12) - Vol. 6 Ch. 28 - Countdown

    This was a pleasant surprise. I was almost sure that no one would pick this back up. I'm going to need to re-read everything when I have time since it's been a couple years. Thanks for translating! (from the bits that I read in the beginning, it seems to have good quality):win:
  2. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 11 Ch. 105 - An Important Person?!

    @DonBorju glad you agree 👍
  3. Herocus

    Castle - Ch. 24 - Castle Chapter 24

    The translator notes were so relatable ;-;
  4. Herocus

    Berserk - Vol. 9 Ch. 39 - The Fallen Hawk

    Fuck my life, erase this manga from my memory...
  5. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 96 Ch. 1018 - In The Ice

    Kid: Well it looks like kid knows shinichi's identity since he said 2 high school detectives
  6. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 94 Ch. 1001 - Crimson Demon

    I mean you can see that he wore his adult clothes - he just rolled them up when he went to sleep.
  7. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 93 Ch. 991 - Hands Off

    I liked it when heji stood up for shinichi's girl, that's wingman goals right there
  8. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 92 Ch. 979 - A White-handed Woman

    Lmao we are over 900 chapters and bottom commenter is only commenting this now 😂
  9. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 85 Ch. 896 - Scarlet Return

    "clench your teeth and make sure to not bite your tongue" - Camel That's great advice when reading this tense ass chapter.
  10. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 79 Ch. 836 - Ghost Photography

    "since we celebrate Christ-san's birthday annually, it's bound to work!" I too celebrate Christ-san's birthday (yes I'm going to start calling Jesus "Christ-san") (yes I'm also going to start calling Christmas "Christ-san's birthday")
  11. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 78 Ch. 824 - Mystery Train [Final Destination]

    I want shinichi/conan and kid to have a conversation - we know that their fathers have some sort of relationship, but I want them to know too
  12. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 77 Ch. 817 - A Lonely Figure in the Lamplight

    Subaru looking real sus in this chapter tho, gosho is a good writer
  13. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 77 Ch. 808 - The Last Grave Visit

    Hopefully everyone in the prefecture now knows that they have no chance with miwako sato, the ship is sailing with such a distance that its more of a rocket than a ship at this point 😂
  14. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 76 Ch. 798 - Detectives' Nocturne

    She literally picked the wrong kid to kidnap, she now has these people coming for her head: - arguably the smartest high school detective (shinchi/conan) - - ex madu scientist! of the black organisation (haibara) - a professor who is able to track the kidnapper via detective badge - 1...
  15. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 75 Ch. 786 - The Parent-Child Optical Illusion

    My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
  16. Herocus

    Detective Conan - Vol. 73 Ch. 765 - Ramen So Good...It's to Die for

    This grown ass man complains when his daughter doesn't make his food? Ran, you need to find a better Dad.