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  1. octavioh


    damn 9 months of scanlation hiastus.. almost forgot everything 😂
  2. octavioh

    Kawa Scans

    Thanks for the work and a quick question: Do you have in plan to pick up Yakedo Shoujo*, Kantetsu's other manga, after you finish scanlating Prison Lab?
  3. octavioh


    Da, m-am uitat peste forum; Poate postez câte ceva... acum 2 zile dădea un răspuns negativ serverul când încercam să mă înregistrez.
  4. octavioh


    N-am mai văzut vreodată atâta shoujo într-un singur loc.. 👽😷
  5. octavioh

    Suspicious Boarding House

    Seems nice
  6. octavioh

    Harem End

    Dissapointing, go read something else from sensei Kago. The Shintai animation excerpts are nice and characteristic of his style, tho. 🧐 May work better for you if it's the first time you read something from Shintaro Kago, 6/10. Also, I sometimes don't get the community> you got the gore tag...
  7. octavioh

    Korokoro Soushi

    You may notice people calling sensei Kago's work shit. Thing is, that's a compliment; Sensei Kago is all about shit sometimes, not quite the usual amount in this manga, but it's still a huge shit ! Regarding the other comment > shit, 10/10
  8. octavioh


    Amazing I never thought colour could be used in this manner. Kago Shintaro is revolutionary yet again.
  9. octavioh

    Yume no Omocha Koujo

    Only Kago Shintaro can make shit this funny.
  10. octavioh


    Zetsubou no Rakuen still has some bad grammar in the last chapter.
  11. octavioh

    Fetus Collection - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Collecting #3

    (reply to lower comment) I think the ending reinforces it as the consequences of porn addiction --- bringing fiction in the real world, applying the techniques in one's life, on oneself and, respectively, on others without second thought
  12. octavioh

    Kijin Gahou - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Collecting #4

    Anorexic people could do systemic vomiting, but it's different from bulimia and bulimic vomiting. I wrote this thinking it's important since the 2 conditions are commonly and wrongly used interchangeably. (look them up) Hope I spread some.. how do youngsters call it?.. tumblr mental illness...
  13. octavioh

    Hachigatsu Kokonoka Boku wa Kimi ni Kuwareru.

    (3 days after my confused comment) - Having armed myself with papa Freud and papa Jung, I can finally comprehend what is going on here. I suggest you do the same if you don't have well structured, conscious information about the archetypal mother and Freud's concepts regarding the early life of...
  14. octavioh

    Hachigatsu Kokonoka Boku wa Kimi ni Kuwareru.

    Chapter 6 is up and it still doesn't make much sense. The wait for it to do is killing me.. 😅
  15. octavioh

    Satanic Sweet

    I won't read the ending while waiting a few more years for the other 5 chapters, so just.. > onegaishimasu! 😃
  16. octavioh

    Mirror Ball Flashing Magic

    I agree with you, but let's cut them some slack, we're just 322 weirdos who read the whole thing (loved it btw, great writer, imma go read everything from her). 10/10 - while some things are lacking, I cannot not see it as a masterpiece, a manga of reference to its genre
  17. octavioh


    Damn, ch. 18 just made this interesting. Been a good while since I despised a manga character.
  18. octavioh

    Chibiki no Iwa

    Makes me wanna go and play with shinto deities. 1/10, can be fatal. 😂 Jokes aside, nature drawn very neatly, would like to own the paper version.
  19. octavioh

    A Beast Cries in the Wilderness

    I think the plot is quite good, but the way it was implemented as a manga lacks a lot imo. Some stuff I found appalling would be: - Too much text/box in quite every context, including battle - Too much action and quite badly drawn - The dokkaku, which are very detailed and cool-looking are...