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  1. J

    Palace of Bardo - Ch. 35

    Question, is there actual print book release for this? I like print book and doesn't matter if it on Korean.
  2. J

    MangaDex@​Home and other important updates.

    from whom the takedown notice from? Viz? Viz already abandon Act Age, the scrubbed it from their server. I guess offsite site to host those titles so that MD won't get affected.
  3. J

    Silent Lover - Ch. 16 - I Won't Allow it!

    So.. does the prince know or not the Chen actually a man? Even without light on (lantern whatever) you can't possibly confuse asshole with vagina especially for a man who had many many sex with many many women and does the price never tries to feel the boobs. Also penis, maybe micropenis but...
  4. J

    Tadaima, Okaeri - Vol. 4 Ch. 1.1 - Prologue

    @mizukixgaku Thank you.
  5. J

    Tadaima, Okaeri - Vol. 4 Ch. 1.1 - Prologue

    The images for this chapter are too small to read.
  6. J

    New servers and file optimisation request!

    Please don't auto optimize scanlator files. I'm fine with recommending scanlator to optimized their own files, lossless of course. The reason I like mangadex because mangadex retain the quality of the image. An archive for scanlation for many group especially dead group. Other aggregator out...
  7. J

    MangaDex Is Back!

    Welcome back! All of this because of Boruto. Viz must be the one uploaded the chapter to stir the pot, cuz who read Boruto.
  8. J

    KyoAni Gofundme/Donation Drive

    The whole thing makes me wonder if the building up for code. Similar thing happen to a school in my country where the arson started on 1st floor ( ground floor for US), people cannot escape because the building was not up to code with emergency exits. From the news the people seems to unable to...