this unfaithful piece of shit has completely forgotten about Sylphiette and got some pissed off gorilla tsundere that BEAT HIM SENSELESS MULTIPLE TIMES instead. I don't give a fuck if she started to be nice to him, that was only because he painstakingly proved himself to her so he could get...
I gave it a shot but god I hate this bitch. she makes a guys life hell just because he's an easy target and this dumb fuck just accepts it because she's "cute"? No amount of cute can overcome that shitty personality of hers. I hate this seemingly common trope of guys never defending themselves...
Oh nooo, all the women were turned into cute traaaps, we need to undo the speeell... Quick onii-chan, then need an "INJECTION" of "LIFE ENERGY"
Or maybe something along those lines?
why must endings always make me cry... I just wanted to see some cute trap fanservice and now I'm sad
I'm also sad that Hime never came to accept crossdressing even though he was clearly into it...
The timespan was 5 years right? That's plenty of time for people to mature and grow out of bullying. As for the stuffing, I guess being around such a cute trap for so long makes you question some things...