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  1. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    @BraveDude8 I messaged tiffany I believe was there name during our conversation that was the only person after the fact I messaged the admin that message is not me that was my friend and your cringe admin lied to his face saying I deleted it and said it was dumb.
  2. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    Well that's just a bit rude i dmed 1 other person cause I feel you are being un reasonable but whatever man
  3. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    @BraveDude8 and if it would be easier to continue this conversation in discord then we can
  4. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    @RougeKitsune I sort of agree however there are other comedic webcomics and such they have varying styles and this is just another style
  5. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    @BraveDude8 I understand that however it isnt against the rules persay it says you can use alot if you contact a mod and i understand its not in the same style as the rest of things on here but just because you dont like something or think it doesnt look good doesnt mean it isnt i got alot of...
  6. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    @BraveDude8 I understand that and that it looks that way however I am not trying to troll you all it is supposed to be comedic so I figured I would use funny images such as that I would really like to have it be uploaded here as it got a lot of traction in a short time of being released but if...
  7. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    @YumGumYum ok well thank you for your help
  8. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    @YumGumYum ok where and how should i contact the staff
  9. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    yep that was me howd you know he was the one who did it and also any way i can get it back up or talk to someone i didnt get messaged or anything whatever the issue is i wanna resolve it
  10. SterWerf

    Trying to get my webcomic uploaded

    So i made a spinoff/parody of Jojos Bizarre adventure my own take on it and i am using google images and photoshop to make the pages i uploaded this earlier however in a haste i uploaded my first chapter waited a while it got a lot of traction in just a few hours i got around 1700 veiws and 50...
  11. SterWerf

    Official "Test" Manga

    Still don't know if mangadex will work out and approve it but chapter 2 is now released on me and my friends discord i don't think dicsord invites work on mangadex but theres a post on our reddit with a link to the discord
  12. SterWerf

    Official "Test" Manga

    Hello I finished the first short chapter and I posted it on me and my friends reddit currently the first chapter is being reveiwed i have no clue if its going to get accpeted or not because of the content but if it does that will be awsome but if not i will be posting on reddit and or our...
  13. SterWerf

    Official "Test" Manga

    Hello my fans this will be a story i am making it is a spinoff of Jojos bizzare adventure i am James huckabay the creator of this i am doing it in photoshop i have no clue if the mods will accept this but i shall be working on it if the mods do not accept this i will be posting this on my reddit...