Nah, the problem is that pages 2 and 3 that you've got in chapter 113 are actually closing pages to chapter 112. Doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Just pointing it out.
Awesome stuff! Your new method is really helping crank these out. Not sure if you want mistakes pointed out, or not? Looks like title page got sorted wrong, as it didn't show up until page 4.
Very awesome stuff. Glad to see someone is picking this back up! I can understand your efforts to go back and pave your own path for consistency. It will pay off in the long run! Do you have team with a Discord, or just a one person show doing this?
Such high quality work going into these releases. Thank you so much for filling the gaps where Viz has let us down so many times. I've noticed new chapters starting to pop in here that aren't from JoJo's Colored Adventure Team, which finishes out volume 5 and the start of volume 6. Is Dragon...