Search results

  1. yatsorkka

    Add Chuvash to List of Language

    For some other languages of Northern Eurasia too. For example, Tatar — tt, Bashkir — ba, Ossetian — os, Abkhazian — ab etc.
  2. yatsorkka

    Add Chuvash to List of Language

    A few years ago I added 3 translations into Chuvash: It was possible to add translations to languages that were not in the list of languages using "Other". But not now. I would like to continue adding Chuvash translations to MangaDex.
  3. yatsorkka

    Reports: Group Correction Please rename the group to "Йаттсӑр-шусӑр" and add alternative name: "Шусӑр-йаттсӑр"
  4. yatsorkka

    Request for group takeover 2.0

    Group: Group ID: 15332 Profile: Profile ID: 1984621 Proof: