No but you are assuming you are the general public, I doubt the general public cares much too be honest. They will read anything that's first, and if it's bad they will read it again when another group releases. You are more a specific target than the general public. Out of 17.000 views...
you are not the only person here, kinda egoistic to think that anyone uploads for you specifically. I will upload if I want to, not much you can do about that.
Not really dealing with anything really, just funny how people complain about something that is free to them and costs them no...
Not doing it for you anyways, besides that I don't really care, I don't want to spend hours redrawing because I'm crap at photoshop, although I do some redrawing.
Too many entitled people that flame others while they leech manga themselves for free without spending any time or...
I stopped translating because nothing happened for at least 4 chapters and I was really busy, after that I saw someone else picked it up.
The IEL drama was just someone being pathetic about it and deleting all their stuff for some reason.
Also I can easily get raws from the source...
Still up to the person translating to decide what they want to translate though.
I'll continue doing it till I'm bored of it, or if the original group releases theirs, because it will most likely be better than mine.
some people commenting here are so pathetic... complaining about a harem manga with that tag, wth did you expect...
I like it for what it is, a quirky love comedy.
@MavB_Ver I'm lazy as well, I just get flashes of inspiration to do something and then I quit again (I guess like many translators)
maybe I'll just show it to you first before putting it online and having to fix it afterwards 😂
I'll try reading it, reading Tenseishichatta yo now. I...