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  1. EstTerminus

    Keikenzumi na Kimi to, Keiken Zero na Ore ga, Otsukiai Suru Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.4

    The way you think is awful. Just reading how you type its like you've never been in a real adult relationship.
  2. EstTerminus

    Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta... - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - The Footsteps of Destruction, part 6

    dude double isekai truly powerful! her friend has to be the one who knew all the things about the otome games before so she knows who can use dark magic.
  3. EstTerminus

    Cohabitation with My Fiancée - Ch. 72.5

    *claps in june* good job you got me author.
  4. EstTerminus


    ??? did you mean to put this on a delayed post???
  5. EstTerminus

    Ugly Duckling - Ch. 41 - Warm Fingertips (2)

    ah, yes that girl deserves death after all...
  6. EstTerminus

    Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Like hell there's nothing to do

    Yay we're finally back to the happy farmi... oh wait we still have more drama to go through...
  7. EstTerminus

    Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka? - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    @Armann I'm pretty sure the ending is him searching for her in the city because he isn't going to rely on the power of "if" anymore. Instead he is going to make the "If" that he wants happen with his own hands by searching for her.
  8. EstTerminus

    Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan - Vol. 4 Ch. 21 - It's Okay To Feel Down

    wait those young siblings are from takagi-san!
  9. EstTerminus


    I don't even know why i read this anymore. We knew what was coming a million miles away. Yet i still stand here like a idiot who cant do anything about a train rushing at a bus full of orphans.
  10. EstTerminus

    Please Take My Brother Away! - Ch. 19 - Family

    Wow this is alot heavier after the recent chapters...
  11. EstTerminus


    I honestly hope that they break up after this. They both have some serious growing up to do (Especially Chiyos personality) and it seems like they aren't going to do it together. Chiyo needs to start talking to Igarashi about what he is doing wrong and what is upsetting her instead of just...
  12. EstTerminus


    He's chokin, how, everybodys jokin now
  13. EstTerminus

    Sweet X Trouble - Ch. 1 - What Kind of Father Is This? (1)

    Wow this translation is really something ?
  14. EstTerminus


    This feels really short even the shorts are longer are we missing pages???