With all due respect, this translation is sub-par. There's no proofreading for the multitude of typos and improper capitalization. The typesetting is mediocre, the cleaning sticks out like a sore thumb, the font messy; the sum of these issues crushes the impact this series would otherwise have...
This manga is genuinely so funny. I haven't read a manga that's made me laugh out loud like this since Grand Blue, so seeing an update always gets me hyped up.
Thanks for the chapter, really appreciate the high quality translation and notes at the end.
Please look into getting a proofreader for these scans. The grammatical errors are very noticeable and quite distracting, and they could be fixed within minutes.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks for fixing that "I'm wasn't the king" typo, it was bothering me.
A few other errors I noticed:
Pg. 6 - "We definitively"; should be definitely
Pg. 7 - "Base line" should be a single word
Pg. 11 - "Protecting of the pass course"; "of" should be omitted here.
Pg. 12 - "And...
This is a very poor quality translation. The speed at which you put out chapters means absolutely nothing if all of the misspellings and grammar issues constantly break immersion; and that's not even going into the issue of characters' tones not matching up with the translation. Even though I...
This is heartbreaking.
It was never going to end any other way besides Ohma's victory, but Cosmo's charisma and tenacity makes it hard to watch regardless. Those are tears of someone who finally solidified worth and newfound ambition only for it to be immediately ripped away from him.
Fun fight...
That scene at the end of the chapter had me at the end of the seat, I can't help but wonder what Yuuichi has been doing for the past few days.
As always, thanks for the chapter!
You have my undying gratitude for bringing us so many newly translated chapters, thank you so much! My only hope is, if you don't continue with this, that another group sees the latest chapters and decides to pick it up.
Thanks again!