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  1. S

    Jimi de Medatanai Watashi wa, Kyou de Owari ni shimasu.

    Why is the dark haired girl dead center of the cover? Darn hurt my eyes! Especially with that expression. Geez!
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    I Shall Master This Family

    Why is it Not loading?!?!?!
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    The Prince's Romance Gambit

    Will this ever get updated? It’d be a shame not to. Such a sweet story.
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    Ore Yome. – Ore no Yome ni Nare yo

    Ch50 - how horrible of the father to put such an obstacle for the couple. It is enough for him to test their mettle and make them fend for themselves, how could he put a third wheel in between them. I find it gross,really.
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    I Don't Love You Anymore

    Spoilers, please...if possible. Almost can’t wait for the updates.
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    Konyaku Haki Kara Hajimaru Akuyaku Reijou no Kangoku Slow Life

    This is “Gold”! I wish there is more. It is more than a well-written, well-balanced story with very good pacing. Hope to see and hear more from this author. Kudos!
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    Koi to Kemono to Seitokai

    Any English translation of this manga, please?