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  1. M


    I gave up ^^´ You can find the hidden things in: Chapter 3, page 17 (1. warning sign) Chapter 5, page 8 (2. menu) Chapter 7, page 7 (left phone) Chapter 8, page 3 (left stand desk)
  2. M


    I stole the translations @Todd89 I eddited and redrawn it Baka~!
  3. M

    Bota Bota

    Who ffs uploaded the cover?! XD
  4. M


    Well I already got the translations for the chapters. "Got them yesterday" But thx for the offer @SuperShanko <3
  5. M


    Made it under 24 hours. New record. Damn I need a little break now
  6. M


    No problem ^^ If someone likes to help me out, feel free to write me back here or to my mail. You don´t need Photoshop. Only free time and fun with typing italian (If someone can read kanji, write me! I would like to translate the sound effects) You would like to translate the manga in another...
  7. M

    Bota Bota

    Still waiting for the translation. Hot chocolate scan where are you?