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  1. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 54 - Incheon Expedition (7)

    You can check my mistranslation in here: And don't forget to support author with read official on naver Thx, See you in next chapter~
  2. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 53 - Incheon Expedition (6)

    You can check my mistranslation in here: Thx, See you in next chapter~
  3. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 52 - Incheon Expedition (5)

    You can check my mistranslation in here: Thx, See you in next chapter~
  4. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 51 - Incheon Expedition (4)

    Already fixed okey, 사천왕 (Sacheonwang) = Four heavenly kings
  5. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 51 - Incheon Expedition (4)

    @kilmeister ahaha im not sure about this too, i will fix it later XD
  6. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 51 - Incheon Expedition (4)

    You can check my mistranslations in here: Today is my last holiday T_T, i will upload when i'm free See you in next chapter😄
  7. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 50 - Incheon Expedition (3)

    you can check my mistranslations in here: i will upload ch 51 soon. see you~
  8. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 17 - Bulgeum (7)

    @Artaris sorry baru bales, baru sempet on, soalnya kabel wifi gw putus baru dateng hari ini teknisinya. gw sih buat yang didalem bubble pake wild words
  9. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 17 - Bulgeum (7)

    @Boyand_Maulana siip sama-sama oiya buat yang lain hari ini ga update ya, soalnya internet gw mati
  10. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 16 - Bulgeum (6)

    @Artaris yoi, penasaran gue sama ceritanya, malah ga ada yang TL
  11. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 49 - Incheon Expedition (2)

    Okay done, thx~ @MostlyBlue
  12. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 49 - Incheon Expedition (2)

    umm okay, do you know what it should be, i will fix it @strangeirdo
  13. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 49 - Incheon Expedition (2)

    As usual you guys can check my mistranslations in here tell me, and i will fix ASAP. thx, see u in next chapter~
  14. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 15 - Bulgeum (5)

    @Artaris siap gan
  15. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 15 - Bulgeum (5)

    @Egigyanu pengennya mah bisa, susah tapinya euy, soalnya emng cuma sendiri
  16. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 48 - Incheon Expedition (1)

    Hello kuruto here ^^, You can check my mistranslations in here see you all in next chapter~
  17. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 13 - Bulgeum (3)

    @Egigyanu udah di upate yaa~
  18. kuruto-nim123

    Request for group takeover 2.0

    My Group: (ID: 17668) My Profile: (ID: 2630780) proof:
  19. kuruto-nim123

    Free Draw - Ch. 4 - Hari yang Ditentukan

    yoww baru update, karena emang baru-baru ini mangadex selesai maintenancenya