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  1. D

    Mark all the chapter of a series as "Read"

    Thanks a lot for all those precisions.
  2. D

    Mark all the chapter of a series as "Read"

    Hi @YumGumYum, Thanks for the reply. To be sure I understood: - The "Mass read" function is still planned to be developped - There is the "Reading progress" where I can enter the lastest chapter I read ? But it's not linked to anything (I can enter a chapter number that isn't yet uploaded) ?
  3. D

    Mark all the chapter of a series as "Read"

    Hi there, First sorry if the question has allready been asked. I tried to look in the support thread but I couldn't find anything in the first 20 pages. And the tutorial doesn't really give the answer. I just arrived on Mangadex and I'm trying to figure out the best way to get up to date with...