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  1. D

    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 162 - Kyou's True Identity

    Love that Kai's pimp hand is apparently strong enough that people mistake it for getting slashed by a sword. She's definitely the true heir! On a side note, the bonus manga remind me of the bits of Berserk where Puck is goofing around with Isidro. It's a nice little bit of humor, with some...
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    Hitomi-chan wa Hitomishiri - Vol. 5 Ch. 52

    Shark bro is so awesome! Setting up time for them to be together, chaperoning them for the parents, presumably footing the gas and food bill because they're all high schools while he's an adult, and not asking for the slightest bit of repayment? Shark bro is just a fucking awesome brother in...
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    Hitomi-chan wa Hitomishiri - Vol. 5 Ch. 51

    I think we can all agree that Chad Shark Bro was the MVP of that table tennis match. Although I bet the ball that hit Senpai in the face was courtesy of his little sister.
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    Hitomi-chan wa Hitomishiri - Vol. 5 Ch. 51

    I think we can all agree that Chad Shark Bro was the MVP of that table tennis match. Although I bet the ball that hit Senpai in the face was courtesy of his little sister.
  5. D

    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 158 - Star of The Show

    An audacious play by Ouki. Shin's already gotten awfully callous about throwing away lives, but as Griffith proved, the path to the top is paved with corpses. Ouki's taking a hell of a risk here. Tou's negated the archer's on the left - good move - which should help preserve the strength of...
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    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 157 - Raising Morale

    Oho! Looks like Tou really has earned his place as Ouki's right hand. Complex cavalry maneuvers, like he's pulling off, are difficult, especially when they aren't planned out and rely on the intuition and guidance of one guy leading from the front and having his orders passed backwards. I'll...
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    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 156 - Arrival

    Man, considering that we've already been told that the "Three Great Heavens" were the three generals that could check Qin's 6 great generals, it had better not turn out it was just Riboku in a series of convincing wigs with a variety of personalities. That said, Riboku's already been super...
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    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 155 - Northern Army

    Interesting that the Xiongnu are brought up. They were one of the great steppe peoples, similar to the Scythians and the predecessors to the Mongols. If I remember the Dan Carlin series on the Mongols, in our world the Xiongnu were one of the first steppe peoples to mount a serious invasion of...
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    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 154 - Moubu falls for The Trap

    Well, Moubu continues to blunder forward like the idiot that he is. Hopefully he gets killed before he leads more good soldiers to their deaths. What a colossal waste, all due to the appointment of a man who can't think without his muscles to the rank of general. That said, Ouki once again...
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    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 153 - Flag

    Interesting bit on inter-army communication. Ouki's wise enough and experienced enough to know that knowing is half the battle, and flag signals are the height of his available communication technology. Interesting bit from the mysterious woman accompanying the mysterious blonde general. I...
  11. D

    Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 152 - Trap

    Always a fan of hot-blooded idiots being humbled by people who actually put an iota of thought into their plans. Get fucking rekt, Moubu! That said, I'm glad that Shin and what's left of his merry band were far from this mess. Hopefully, Moubu gets maimed or dishonored, penalizing the Ryou...