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  1. nemoralia

    Runaway Girl - Vol. 6 Ch. 33 - Love Machine

    Wow wasn't expecting that Homesick reference in the credits. Not sure if I can forgive that 😉 As for the chapter, I'm glad the step-dad was an honest guy and that he wasn't interested in her.
  2. nemoralia

    I Love You Baby - Vol. 4 Ch. 28

    What a pure, sweet manga. Thanks a lot for your hard work @HufflyParfait
  3. nemoralia

    Natsume Yuujinchou - Vol. 24 Ch. 95 - The Two Who Are Bad with Each Other (Part 1)

    I'm glad we're getting to know more about Taki and her family. Looking forward to this arc!
  4. nemoralia

    Wakako-Zake - Ch. 55 - Chikuzen-ni

    @I_Do_Cooking_Manga Looks to me like it was originally published in colour, maybe? If it was a special ch for New Year's it might've been full-colour. Thanks for taking up this series btw, it's always a nice read.
  5. nemoralia

    Hakumei and Mikochi - Vol. 7 Ch. 56 - Big Hole & Mountain Yams

    So sad to see one of my fav manga being dropped, but thank you for all your hard work @ehscans
  6. nemoralia

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 84 - A Letter

    tbh I'm gutted this is being dropped, it's one of my all time favourites. But thanks for all your hard work @Duralumin , I really do appreciate it.
  7. nemoralia

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 83 - Persian Nights

    All those flowers! Nice to see Talas making friends too.
  8. nemoralia

    Yamako and Wolf - Ch. 13

    This just keeps getting cuter with each chapter
  9. nemoralia

    Even Though We're Adults - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I like this so far. The characters feel realistic.
  10. nemoralia

    The Bones of an Invisible Person - Vol. 4 Ch. 19

    @cranon Great work on the song, you have a lovely voice. If you ever record any more songs, I'd love to give them a listen 😊 And thanks for translating this series too ofc!
  11. nemoralia

    Bus Hashiru - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Dudleya Road

    Such beautiful artwork.
  12. nemoralia

    Dali's Witchcraft

    This would make a really nice series.
  13. nemoralia

    Inshin no Yuki

    If I hadn't read the mangaka's age in the description, I really would never have guessed this was made by a 13 year old. Promising stuff!
  14. nemoralia

    Yuri!!! on Ice - First Light (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    This is lovely, thanks for uploading it
  15. nemoralia

    Hakumei & Mikochi: Tiny Little Life in the Woods - Vol. 7 Ch. 52 - The Etiquette of Lines

    The pain of a disappointingly small portion... too real, man 😢
  16. nemoralia

    The Goldfish Osushi

    (ugh double post)
  17. nemoralia

    The Goldfish Osushi

    Lovely artwork
  18. nemoralia

    Shirley - Ch. 17 - Attic Repair

    Thanks for the chapter! Always such a nice read.