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  1. aviskai

    Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

    @Istvan90623 @LuckyJim Thanks for the clarification, I understand now! Time to back out of the drama
  2. aviskai

    Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

    So you're all okay with having scanlators scanlating manga, uploading it to an aggregate site like MD, and asking for nothing in return? So basically, just remove their site and just work on MD forever like a sweatshop slave. They don't need donations if you don't have a website. They don't need...
  3. aviskai


    What's different between this and the previous axed version? Thanks!
  4. aviskai

    Xian Ni

    Does anyone know what's going on in this "thing" anymore...? I feel like after the clan collapsed, everything went so badly...