No, this is counter invasion, Kanoa is the one that start the war. Similar situation with Youjo Senki.
Highserk didn't even have enough soldiers for counter attack for 5 years.
So, considering MC have become a Demon Lord (at least a level 100 endgame character), have built her underground castle, and there's now 2 global event in-game.
How long have it been since chapter 1 in-story time? 3 days? 6 months? 3 years?
I think the closest translation in english would be "mass killer", hitokiri is implying more of when someone killing others is considered normal activity rather than assassin's more targeted job. Hitokiri Battosai killed about 500 people in 4 years. That kind of "normal".
Cassy, the darling of SCP, even her drawing is special, lol.
I wonder, if she ever get a boyfriend, will one of the Council give the shovel talk? While the unfortunately guy surrounded by soldiers.
Why didn't he tell her about the future anyway? The main reason most time travelers didn't tell people is because most people won't believe it. But that's not the case here, hell she even know the exact method to do so.
And I can tell his mother won't be in the harem, what a disappointment.
I got the flashback of Hanamichi elbowing someone's face.
Either Tsubame is more talented, considering the small amount of time she practice or Slam Dunk have more realistic view.