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  1. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town

    I'd say yes until this ending. Feels really lacking. Eagerly awaiting the final volume, hopefully it'll improve upon this finale.
  2. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town

    It's not the ending itself that was terrible, it's that 15 chapters of content was packed into 1, disrupting the pacing of the manga. Given proper time to develop and sink in, the ending would have been fine. Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I think the OG plan was for Reiji and Nagi...
  3. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town

    Sigh, goddamn manga publishers ruining good series and authors who can't end series well unless they have full creative control, a disaster waiting to happen. I loved this manga but the ending felt too quick, while realistic it sucked.
  4. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 182 - Nobody’s There

    Ah, how interesting. Nagi does infact have some selfawareness of her impact on others, thanking Mao for finally pushing Reiji to the point of no return so she can finally die with him. Seems less malicious and more acting on a feeling of hopelessness and misery. Anyway, they're probably dying...
  5. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 181 - Mire

    People criticizing Reiji leaving are missing a key plot point, Reiji kept clinging on to reasons to keep living, trapping himself to the town to keep living, and suffering. Reiji realized that nothing he could do would achieve anything, killing Nagi and himself would be pointless, killing Mao...
  6. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 180 - The Fact That You’re Alive Today

    Honestly this was the best route the author could have taken, Reiji redirecting that anger towards himself at the last moment after realizing while he wasn't wrong about Mao, he was projecting his own feelings about his family onto hers. It wasn't for her, it was all for him.
  7. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 179 - You

    Actually Ryo said the ending was solidified from the first chapter in an interview, she just had to get the characters in a state to achieve that ending. She also kind of spoiled the ending in that interview, I'll just say a lot of people aren't going to like it but a lot of others will...
  8. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 179 - You

    I'm guessing it's so people won't see it as an unresolved plot point, also Reiji likely wouldn't care anymore anyway, so it's irrelevant to the story, but I'd say from Yuko and Esemori's perspectives, it's still important.
  9. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 179 - You

    Yes. Ryo confirmed it on her twitter.
  10. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 179 - You

    4 chapters left...
  11. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 178 - Reunion at Journey's End

    I'm crying, goddamn it this fucking manga.
  12. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 177 - The Creepy Boy

    To those not understanding why Esemori was able to be brought back to town, at least in the US, Cancer patients with not much time left can be brought home by a family member. One of my uncles was brought home a few days before his death (He was pretty much in the same state Esemori is in) to be...
  13. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 176 - Release

    Like this situation has never happened before... look up Gyspy-Rose Blanchard.
  14. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 176 - Release

    And so, it's all led to this, Reiji no longer has anything holding him back. Goodbye Mao, or Yuri, or both, karma is about to catch up with you.
  15. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 175 - Stimulus

    Only if he is regretful for his actions and never acts that way again, otherwise those mistakes were not mistakes nor are they in the past. Regardless, he does not deserve forgiveness and Reiji should hold Mao accountable in the correct way, not murder.
  16. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 174 - Accomplice

    You didn't pay attention.
  17. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 174 - Accomplice

    The Mao thing makes sense, Reiji has known about Mao for months, just not the details of what he did or his name, so it's not that unbelievable. Not sure why Ryo threw in Reiji's Gma dying right now, could have happened anytime. I hope this chapter is a setup chapter for the finale, and the...
  18. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 173 - The Righteous Fire of Life

    Maybe by that she meant "I was desperate to say it first so you didn't have to." With overall context, either could make sense, although I do see the other TL being more accurate.
  19. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 173 - The Flame of a Righteous Life

    He's done that since the beginning, everyone kept telling him "You're just like your mom", "You're an abyss" but he didn't really understand it until it became a coping mechanism and a way of getting revenge, like when he finally snapped and told his monster of a gma to fucking die already or...
  20. TheUniqueRandy

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 173 - The Flame of a Righteous Life

    Lucky for you, it's almost over