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  1. Penyair Doppo

    FPS de Shoshinsha Bokotte Real Fight ni Hattenshita Kekka w - Ch. 54

    Tradisi menghujat Kanokari saat ada manga romance yang sukses confess tanpa perlu bertele-tele gak jelas 😎
  2. Penyair Doppo

    FPS de Shoshinsha Bokotte Real Fight ni Hattenshita Kekka w - Ch. 52

    Sorry, Epetarou. I'm not even angry over you right now. I bear no grudge against anyone. It's just that the world feels so, so wonderful right now. Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one. The merit of having a technique that's passed down for generations is having a user's...
  3. Penyair Doppo

    Cherry Blossom-Colored You - Ch. 2 - Bagian 2

    Meninggal dan jantungnya didonorkan untuk sang Mc
  4. Penyair Doppo

    FPS de Shoshinsha Bokotte Real Fight ni Hattenshita Kekka w - Ch. 5

    Terimakasih banyak tapi sepertinya agan salah tempat komen, ini kolom komentar buat terjemahan vietnam
  5. Penyair Doppo

    A Fun and Friendly Workplace - Oneshot

    Siap, akan aku tambahkan dalam list~
  6. Penyair Doppo

    Episode v5: A New Hope
