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  1. Sikuto

    Reliance - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    Thanks for translation! It looks like the author has chosen to continue the story from Tachibana's side, still without any information about Haijima. That's a long wait for readers who care about the story between Haijima and Shiki. From the perspective of the story as a whole, though, this...
  2. Sikuto

    Harmony - Ch. 4

    I don't wanna be a spoiler (and it's hard to explain what happened in a few words). If you are interested in it, you can read Love at Fourteen first. I don't know if you've read it yet. It includes stories that happened before Harmony. Then read Reliance, another spin-off story about Haijima...
  3. Sikuto

    Reliance - Ch. 10

    It seems to me that Haijima wants to keep Shiki away from herself. In the japanese version,The author uses the word "自分" in the place of the word "someone" . As we saw, while Haijima and Shiki were together in the infirmary, Tachibana rushed in and then took Shiki away. Indeed, this chapter has...
  4. Sikuto

    Reliance - Ch. 10

    Thanks for translation! Really enjoyed this chapter……It's as if the very begin of the real story(meanwhile, this may be the last chapter of volume 1?). Although something in Ch.5 (and the main story) had me thinking about this, I was still very shocked(?) when it actually happen.
  5. Sikuto

    Harmony - Ch. 4

    Thanks for the translation……!Loved the pages where Hinohara sings in the rain, and the pages Nagai sings for her.They're so cute So surprised that Haijima appears here and play a role of mediator(?), while something REALLY hurt appeared in her own sidestory